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Beitragvon Britta » Samstag 4. Dezember 2010, 20:56

Von den vor kurzem veröffentlichten Dokumenten hat ja bestimmt jeder hier schon gehört. Da brauche ich nicht viel zu erklären.

Ich hab selbst schon öfter in den letzten Tagen versucht, diese Dokumente einzusehen. Heute hat es mal geklappt. Ich hab dann wahllos etwas aus den letzten Jahren angeklickt und mich überraschen lassen, was ich da finde. Hier mal, was ich gelesen habe: ... N1350.html
S E C R E T LONDON 001350


EO 12958 DECL: 04/24/2018

Classified By: DCM Richard LeBaron for reasons 1.4, b/d.

¶1. (S/NF) Summary and Recommendation. FCO contacts explained May 14 that HMG’s May 1 approval (ref C) for CEDAR SWEEP flights had been widely considered at MOD and FCO, with some departments flagging concerns about the information provided by the USG. HMG is concerned that the request for reconnaissance flights may have been made by the Lebanese MOD, rather than the entire GOL. Embassy will be receiving a new letter from HMG setting out that HMG approval for CEDAR SWEEP was based on the understanding that the flights are approved by the entire GOL. Secondly, FCO is concerned that human rights reports, including the State Department’s own, do not reflect the sterling reputation of the LAF as conveyed in our April 14 request for use of Akrotiri airbase. HMG expects the United States to monitor use of the CEDAR SWEEP intel and ensure the LAF lives up to its commitment to maintain high human rights standards. Embassy London is concerned by HMG’s piling on of concerns and conditions, which portend a burdensome process for getting the rest of our intel flights approved, per ref B. We recommend high level approaches to MOD and FCO counterparts to register concern about these new conditions. Embassy Beirut may also want to consider having the GOL engage the British directly. End Summary.

Concerns And/Or Implied Conditions

¶2. (S/NF) John Hillman of FCO’s Whitehall Liaison Department informed PolMilOff May 14 of several HMG concerns/conditions about CEDAR SWEEP that could jeopardize future use of British territory. First, Hillman said that the FCO regional bureau responsible for Lebanon had questioned USG assurances that the reconnaissance missions were requested by “the Government of Lebanon.” The regional bureau was concerned that the request for reconnaissance assistance may have only been made by the Lebanese Ministry of Defense, rather the entire Lebanese cabinet, which apparently requires consensus on controversial issues. HMG believed the GOL could disavow assertions that it requested reconnaissance assistance if the flights were made public. Hillman said that HMG was “entitled to accept” the USG understanding that MOD was authorized to make the request on behalf of the entire GOL. HMG has sent Embassy London a follow-up letter (not yet received) emphasizing that HMG’s May 1 approval was contingent on the understanding that the request was made by the GOL. Hillman said that, should the GOL disavow the request and it become clear that the entire GOL was not supportive of the flights, HMG would have difficulty approving the involvement of British territory in CEDAR SWEEP.

¶3. (S/NF) Second, Hillman said the FCO human rights department noted that, despite the Lebanese MOD’s assurances that it would not use the shared intel unlawfully, Human Rights Watch and even the State Department’s own Human Rights Report had documented cases of torture and arbitrary arrest by the LAF. Hillman underscored that if there were any risk that detainees captured with the help of CEDAR SWEEP intel could be tortured, HMG would expect the USG to impress upon the LAF that assurances of lawful treatment must be upheld in practice. Furthermore, Hillman said, to the extent that the USG becomes aware of arrests made as a result of CEDAR SWEEP intel, HMG expects the USG to ensure the detainees are treated lawfully. If the U.S. became aware of “reasons to doubt LAF assurances,” HMG would expect to be notified immediately. Hillman noted that these human rights considerations would undoubtedly be reviewed in the next Cedar Sweep approval cycle.

Comment and Recommendation

¶4. (S/NF) Hillman emphasized that the decision to approve CEDAR SWEEP had been widely discussed in MOD and FCO, with the decision made by Minister Kim Howells, but even Foreign Secretary had been informed. He noted that “the highly cautious approach is a reflection of Parliamentary, public, and media attention to issues involving UK complicity in human rights violations.”

¶5. (S/NF) Embassy London finds these additional conditions for HMG approval and assumptions about our ability to monitor every CEDAR SWEEP-related apprehension to be not only burdensome but unrealistic. We recommend that DOD and State officials raise with UK counterparts the concern that excessive conditions such as described above will hinder, if not obstruct, our cooperative counterterrorism efforts. While we share HMG’s concerns that human rights not be sacrificed for the sake of CT, we cannot take a risk-avoidance approach to CT in which the fear of potentially violating human rights allows terrorism to proliferate in Lebanon. We also recommend that Embassy Beirut consider whether it would help to have the urge the GOL engage the British directly. HMG is supportive of the Siniora government and may be less rigid if asked to assist by the Siniora government itself. Visit London’s Classified Website: ed_Kingdom TUTTLE

Da hat mich dann interessiert, was denn CEDAR SWEEP ist und ich hab danach gegoogelt: ... uests.html

Es geht also darum, dass die Briten den Amerikanern erlaubt haben, über eine Basis Akrotiri der Royal Air Force in Zypern, Spionageflüge über dem Libanon durchzuführen. Es gab wohl eine Erlaubnis eines libanesischen Regierungsmitgliedes für diese Verletzung des libanesischen Territoriums, jedoch ohne Mitwissen des Restes der Regierung.

Es gab auch Entführungen und die Nutzung der per Spionageflug gesammelten Informationen, die in der Folge zur Verhaftung und Folter von Menschen durch die libanesische Armee führten.

Besonders heikel ist wohl, dass der libanesische Verteidigungsminister den Israelis Anweisung gegeben habe, wie sie am Besten den Libanon besetzen können. :?

Ich schaue auf jeden Fall immer mal wieder in die Dateien, wenn sie denn erreichbar sind. Nicht alles ist interessant, aber das hier hab ich noch, aus Frankreich:

Litvinenko Case

¶6. (S) Fried commented that the short-term trend inside Russia was negative, noting increasing indications that the UK investigation into the murder of Litvinenko could well point to some sort of Russian involvement. MGM called attention to Chirac’s statement encouraging the Russians to cooperate in the investigation. He wondered aloud who might have given the order, but speculated the murder probably involved a settling of accounts between services rather than occurring under direct order from the Kremlin. Fried, noting Putin’s attention to detail, questioned whether rogue security elements could operate, in the UK no less, without Putin’s knowledge. Describing the current atmosphere as strange, he described the Russians as increasingly self-confident, to the point of arrogance.

Also wurde spekuliert, die Russen hätten etwas mit Litvinenkos Ermordung zu tun und man konfrontierte Putin mit diesem Verdacht. Hat wohl etwas für schlechte Stimmung gesorgt, bei dem Treffen...

Und zu Georgien:

7. (C) Fried, noting he had discussed Georgia the previous evening with MFA Political Director Gerard Araud (septel), said it was important to support Georgian sovereignty against Russian pressure for three reasons: the situation overall in Georgia was improving under Saakashvili’s leadership; violation of Georgian territorial integrity would set a dangerous precedent; and Germany and Central and Eastern Europe had a strong interest in ensuring that gas and oil pumped from Azerbaijan and Central Asia did not travel exclusively through pipelines owned or controlled by Russia. MGM responded that France supported Georgia’s independence but wondered how to accomplish this within existing structures. The heart of NATO was Article 5, and it was doubtful that NATO would declare war on Russia over Georgia; it was therefore important to bypass Article 5 and find a “specific way” that did not involve NATO membership. If Georgia joins, Armenia may follow. Even in the case of Turkey, was its Kurdish problem one for Europeans, MGM asked.

¶8. (C) Fried assured MGM that the U.S. was not seeking membership for Georgia soon, but it was important not to close the door in order to continue to promote Georgian reform and development. It was incumbent on the West to support Georgian sovereignty and maintain a united front against Russia, he argued. He related that he had urged Saakashvili not to seek crises with Russia, since crisis worked only for Russia, and time was on Georgia’s side so long as it moved quietly. In five years, a burgeoning Georgian economy had the potential to dramatically change the politics of the region. MGM agreed in principle, but suggested one could differ on ways and means.

Und noch was über russische Waffenlieferungen, aus der moskauer Botschaft:

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 MOSCOW 005154



EO 12958 DECL: 10/09/2017
REF: A. STATE 137954 B. MOSCOW 3207 C. MOSCOW 3139 D. MOSCOW 3023 E. MOSCOW 557 F. MOSCOW 402

Classified By: Ambassador William J. Burns. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

¶1. (C) Summary: FM Lavrov’s disinterest in establishing an expert level dialogue on arms sales begs the question of how best to address our concerns over Russia’s arms export policy. Russian officials are deeply cynical about our motives in seeking to curtail Russian arms exports to countries of concern and the threatened imposition of U.S. sanctions has not proven successful so far in modifying Russian behavior. Russia attaches importance to the volume of the arms export trade, to the diplomatic doors that weapon sales open, to the ill-gotten gains that these sales reap for corrupt senior officials, and to the lever it provides the Russian government in stymieing American interests. While Russia will reject out of hand arguments based on the extraterritorial application of American sanctions, Russian officials may be more receptive to a message couched in the context of Russian international obligations and domestic legislation, the reality of American casualties, and the backlash to Russian strategic interests among moderate Sunni governments. In making our argument, we should remember that Russian officialdom and the public have little, if any, moral compunction about the arms trade, seeing it instead as a welcome symbol of Russia’s resurgent power and strength in the world. End Summary

Russian Arms Sales Matter

¶2. (C) Russian arms sales are consequential, totaling approximately USD 6.7 billion in 2006, according to official figures. This amount reflects a 12 percent increase over 2005, and a 56 percent increase since 2003. Russian arms sales are expected to total at least USD 8 billion in 2007. Russia has made a conscious effort to improve after-sales customer service and warranties, which has added to the attractiveness of its weapons. As a result, Russian weapons command higher prices than previously. Russia is ranked second only to the United States in arms sales to the developing world, and a sizeable portion of its arms trade is with countries of concern to us.

¶3. (C) While no sales were reported in 2006 to Iran, Syria, or Sudan, in 2007 Iran reportedly paid Russia USD 700 million for TOR-M1 air defense missile systems. While Syrian economic conditions are a natural brake on trade with the Russians, as a matter of principle the GOR is prepared to sell “defensive” equipment such as anti-tank missiles and Strelets (SA-18) surface-to-air missiles, as well as upgrade MiG-23 fighters. The GOR barred the sale of Iskander-E tactical missiles to Syria only after intense international pressure. Venezuela remains a growth market, with arms transfers in 2006 totaling more than USD 1.2 billion, including 24 Su-30MK2 fighter-bombers and 34 helicopters. Russia has an “open arms” approach to Venezuela, and whether it’s the transfer of more than 72,000 AK-103 assault rifles or negotiations for the prospective sale of three Amur class submarines (valued at USD 1 billion), Russia is prepared to entertain Chavez’s grandiose regional visions.

¶4. (C) Defense experts emphasize that the American and European domination of traditional NATO markets and capture of new entrants (and old Soviet customers) from Central and Eastern Europe means that Russia must court buyers that fall outside the U.S. orbit. By definition, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela are good markets for Russia because we don’t compete there.

¶5. (C) While concrete numbers are hard to come by, our best figures indicate that Russian arms sales to its traditional big-ticket customers -- China and India -- are growing. Russian experts, however, predict a declining trajectory in the medium term. In 2006, Russia completed approximately USD 1.4 billion in sales to China, including eight diesel submarines and 88 MI-171’s, which means the PRC only narrowly edged out Chavez as Russia’s most important customer. Russian defense experts underscore that as China’s technological sufficiency and political influence grow, the PRC will develop increasing military self-sufficiency and greater ability to challenge Russia as a supplier. At the same time, sales to India totaled only USD 360 million. Russia and India, in fact, have signed arms deals worth USD
MOSCOW 00005154 002 OF 004
2.6 billion, but not all deliveries and payments have been made. While Russian experts still downplay the ability of the U.S. to displace Russia in the Indian arms market, for reasons of cost and the legacy of decades’ old dependence, they recognize increasing American inroads and growing influence. Other notable Russian markets include Algeria, Czech Republic, Vietnam, South Korea and Belarus.
People who lie to others have merely hidden away the truth, but people who lie to themselves have forgotten where they put it.
Beiträge: 2452
Registriert: Samstag 3. Juli 2010, 14:09

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Britta » Sonntag 5. Dezember 2010, 17:35

Hab noch was zu GM/Opel gefunden: ... N1395.html

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 BERLIN 001395


E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/04/2019

REF: A. BERLIN 01131
¶B. BERLIN 01093
¶C. BERLIN 00390
¶D. BERLIN 00272
¶E. BERLIN 00214

BERLIN 00001395 001.2 OF 002

Classified By: ECONMIN Robert A. Pollard for reasons 1.4 (b,d).

¶1. (C) Summary: Just hours after Chancellor Merkel's historic
November 3 address to a joint session of Congress, General
Motors (GM) canceled its sale of Opel to Canadian auto parts
manufacturer Magna. The decision, which followed repeated
assurances from GM that it was a done deal, came as a
complete shock in Germany and dominated media coverage
throughout the day. Merkel herself was reportedly highly
upset over GM's flip flop. Ulrich Wilhelm, the Chancellor's
spokesman on Opel said the German government "regretted" the
decision, and reminded GM that it must now repay Berlin's 1.5
billion bridge loan to Opel by the end of the month, while
FDP Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle described GM's action
as "totally unacceptable." The cabinet was expected to
discuss the GM move on November 4. Opel's labor unions, which
had strongly backed the Magna sale because of its promise to
save jobs and keep plants open, announced that workers would
withdraw all concessions made under the terms of the Magna
deal and sta
rt a general strike at Opel plants on November 5. While
anger is widespread, there are already some voices outside
the government advocating acceptance of GM's announcement as
the only viable alternative to a total collapse of Opel. End

Germany's Political Establishment Reacts with Anger
--------------------------------------------- ------

¶2. (C) Opinion across the political spectrum has been
uniformly negative. FDP Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle
blasted GM's behavior as "totally unacceptable." Juergen
Ruettgers, Minister President of Nordrhein Westfallen (CDU),
asserted that GM's decision showed "the ugly face of turbo
The leadership of the FDP, whose opposition to government
intervention in the Opel deal is well known, joined in the
condemnation of GM. A high-level source indicated that
Chancellor Merkel is furious over the GM move and refuses to
talk to GM's leadership. It is likely to be only a matter of
time before critics will call Merkel herself into account for
her strong support of the
now collapsed Magna deal. The Cabinet has been called into
session and is likely to confirm the withdrawal of all
financial support and a demand that GM repay the government's
1.5 billion Euro bridge loan by the end of the month.

¶3. (C) Jochen Homann, the Economic Ministry State Secretary
heading the German interagency working group on Opel, told
EMIN on November 4 that there was no possibility of further
German financial assistance to Opel in the foreseeable
future. The failure of the Magna deal and GM's reputation as
"an unreliable partner" would likewise complicate
negotiations with other governments seeking to preserve Opel
jobs and factories. Although no one directly blamed the USG,
the Germans are still having trouble understanding how GM
could act independently of Washington. Dr. Schubert, one of
Homann's lieutenants, complained to the Embassy that "if the
U.S. Government had GM under better control, this would not
have happened." It is now up to GM, he said, to submit a new
restructuring and financing plan, as their previous one is
out of date. Schubert was adamant that this time "there will
be no special treatment for Opel" and GM's plan would have to
go through normal channels.

Matched by Threats from Organized Labor

¶4. (SBU) Klaus Franz, the head of Opel's Works Council,
announced on November 4 that Opel's 25,000 employees in
Germany will begin an indefinite strike on November 5 to
protest the GM decision. Franz called on all 55,000 Opel
workers across Europe to join in. Accusing GM of
"blackmailing" governments and workers in Europe to sign on
to its "unacceptable" restructuring Plan, he also revoked
prior labor commitments to contribute 388 million dollars in
foregone benefits to the Magna sale.

BERLIN 00001395 002.2 OF 002

¶5. (C) Oliver Burkhardt, head of the Metal Workers in NRW,
likewise condemned the decision as "bold and unfriendly," not
only to Opel employees, but to the German government.
However, Burkhardt conceded that he is waiting to see a long
term GM plan for Opel that relies on more than cost-cutting
and down-sizing. In contrast to Klaus Franz, Burkhardt
contended that non-German labor unions were "elated" over the
failure of the Magna deal (which was tilted against workers
in other countries) and doubted they would heed Franz's
strike call. He also predicted that the strikes in Germany
will be short-term and largely symbolic rather than actual
closures, adding "we are not going to close the door on a
solution with GM." Similarly, Fred Irwin - Citigroup's
country manager in Germany and the Chair of the Opel Trust
that oversaw the Magna negotiations - predicted that unions
will eventually reconcile with GM once they realize there is
no other choice.

While Despair Permeates Opel Executives

¶6. (C) Opel managers such as Berlin Representative Uwe
Berlinghoff, who almost uniformly favored the Magna contract,
were also "taken completely by surprise" by the GM
announcement. Berlinghoff now expects GM to resurrect its
pre-Magna restructuring plans, including closure of plants at
Bochum (and Antwerp, Belgium) and the sale or closure of the
Eisenach plant. Berlinghoff also expected the German
government to cancel the expected 4.5 billion dollar loan
guarantee package, as "GM has demonstrated its lack of
credibility with German politicians."

Research and Development and IPR Could be Key

¶7. (C) German auto industry insiders have privately
identified compelling reasons why GM cancelled the Magna
deal. Among these are the importance of the GM/Opel Research
and Development facility in Ruesselsheim and its patents to
GM's development of small efficient cars in Europe, the U.S.
and elsewhere. GM was also reportedly skeptical that it
could adequately protect crucial IPR from Russian
exploitation because of the Sberbank/Gaz partnership with
Magna. Moreover, Magna had oversold its ability to penetrate
the Russian market. GM's announcement stressed its plans to
build on its already significant business in Russia while
retaining Opel and to work closely with Gaz without a Magna

But Auto Leader Welcomes the Move

¶8. (C) Dr. Norbert Reithofer, the CEO of BMW, told the
Ambassador on November 4 that GM's move would be welcomed by
the German auto industry. Reithofer was adamant that there
was no way BMW and the other German auto manufacturers would
have purchased auto parts from Magna once it became a direct
competitor as an auto manufacturer. In Reithofer's view,
Magna made the Opel purchase proposal in a moment of panic at
the height of the economic crisis, but now that a recovery is
in the offing, probably is not unhappy to see it dissolve.


¶9. (C) Despite the considerable German ire aimed at GM, much
of it is aimed at GM's handling of Opel (in particular the
timing of the November 3 announcement), rather than its
business rationale for retaining its German subsidiary.
Thoughtful German opinion leaders, including former Economics
Minister zu Guttenberg conservatives in the German business
community, were equally critical of Berlin's strong arm
lobbying on behalf of Magna. An Opel Trust Board Member and
FDP politician Dirk Pfeil has already issued a statement
urging Berlin to provide 3 billion Euro in state aid to keep
GM afloat. Like it or not, the German governments will need
to seek an accommodation with GM to keep Opel alive.

People who lie to others have merely hidden away the truth, but people who lie to themselves have forgotten where they put it.
Beiträge: 2452
Registriert: Samstag 3. Juli 2010, 14:09

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Britta » Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010, 08:14

Nachdem bereits der PayPal-Account gesperrt wurde, macht die schweizer Postfinance jetzt auch das Konto von Assange dicht: ... 79139.html

-yr./awy. Der Schweizer Finanzdienstleister Postfinance wird die Geschäftsbeziehung mit Julian Assange, dem Chef von Wikileaks, auflösen. Das erfuhr NZZ Online aus zuverlässiger Quelle. Postfinance hat unterdessen in einem Communiqué bestätigt, dass das Konto aufgelöst werde. Grund sei, dass Assange bei der Kontoeröffnung falsche Angaben zu seinem Wohnort gemacht habe, schreibt PostFinance in der Mitteilung vom Montag. Als Domizil habe Assange Genf angegeben, was sich bei einer Überprüfung der Daten als unwahr herausgestellt habe. Assange könne keinen Schweizer Wohnsitz nachweisen. Voraussetzung für ein Konto bei Postfinance ist ein Schweizer Domizil.

Postfinance müsse aufgrund eines Bundesgerichtsurteils wegen des Grundversorgungsauftrags allen Interessenten ein Konto für den Zahlungsverkehr anbieten und bereits bestehende Konten weiterführen. Eine Auflösung der Kontobeziehung oder die Nichtaufnahme derselben sei jedoch aus wichtigem Grund möglich. Das Bundesgericht habe dabei nicht definiert, was ein wichtiger Grund sei.

Der Ständerat habe, so heisst es weiter, am 30. November 2010 eine Bestimmung in das Postgesetz aufgenommen, welche Postfinance Möglichkeiten verschaffe, Geschäftsbeziehungen aufzuheben, die dem «öffentlichen und dem sittlichen Empfinden» zuwiderliefen.

...Über das Konto Assanges bei Postfinance flossen Spendengelder für Wikileaks. Bereits Ende vergangener Woche hat die amerikanische Internet-Bezahlfirma Paypal ihre Geschäftsbeziehung mit Wikileaks aufgelöst.

Wenn ich ein Konto bei dieser Bank hätte würde ich es auflösen, weil ein solches Verhalten meinem sittlichen Empfinden zuwiderläuft...
People who lie to others have merely hidden away the truth, but people who lie to themselves have forgotten where they put it.
Beiträge: 2452
Registriert: Samstag 3. Juli 2010, 14:09

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon elfenpfad » Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010, 12:41

WikileaksPolizei verhaftet Assange
Dienstag 07.12.2010, 11:27

Der Gründer der Enthüllungsplattform Wikileaks, Julian Assange, ist in Großbritannien festgenommen worden.
Die britische Polizei teilte am Dienstag in London mit, Assange sei auf Basis des von Schweden ausgestellten internationalen Haftbefehls verhaftet worden. Ihm wird in Schweden Vergewaltigung vorgeworfen. ... 79434.html
"Nur das Denken, das wir leben, hat einen Wert.
Hermann Hesse, Demian, Gesammelte Werke Bd. 5"
Beiträge: 2313
Registriert: Freitag 16. Juli 2010, 15:54
Wohnort: Heidiländli ;)

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon elfenpfad » Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010, 13:00

Selbst wenn Assange schuldig im Sinne des schwedischen Gesetzes sein sollte - der Verfolgungseifer der dortigen Staatsanwaltschaft mit internationaler Ausschreibung via Interpol sei "höchst ungewöhnlich", heißt es in Berliner Regierungskreisen. Dazu passt das merkwürdige Verhalten der britischen Polizisten, die sich weigerten, auch nur den Grund der Festnahme vorab mitzuteilen.

Ausschnitt aus . ... 00,00.html

Irgendwas stinkt hier gewaltig zum Himmel! Ich bin mir nur noch nicht sicher, ob diese ganzen Wikileaks - Story nicht noch einen viel abstruseren und infameren Hintergrund hat. Vielleicht werden wir alle ganz gewaltig hinter`s Licht geführt, und dies alles dient der Tarnung - für ganz andere Ziele :?

Deshalb hatte ich auch bisher noch nichts dazu geschrieben ......
"Nur das Denken, das wir leben, hat einen Wert.
Hermann Hesse, Demian, Gesammelte Werke Bd. 5"
Beiträge: 2313
Registriert: Freitag 16. Juli 2010, 15:54
Wohnort: Heidiländli ;)

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Elfer » Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010, 18:04

elfenpfad hat geschrieben:
Selbst wenn Assange schuldig im Sinne des schwedischen Gesetzes sein sollte - der Verfolgungseifer der dortigen Staatsanwaltschaft mit internationaler Ausschreibung via Interpol sei "höchst ungewöhnlich", heißt es in Berliner Regierungskreisen. Dazu passt das merkwürdige Verhalten der britischen Polizisten, die sich weigerten, auch nur den Grund der Festnahme vorab mitzuteilen.

Ausschnitt aus . ... 00,00.html

Irgendwas stinkt hier gewaltig zum Himmel! Ich bin mir nur noch nicht sicher, ob diese ganzen Wikileaks - Story nicht noch einen viel abstruseren und infameren Hintergrund hat. Vielleicht werden wir alle ganz gewaltig hinter`s Licht geführt, und dies alles dient der Tarnung - für ganz andere Ziele :?

Deshalb hatte ich auch bisher noch nichts dazu geschrieben ......

Welche Ziele? Was soll dahinter stecken?

Soll es eine Indoktrinations-Seite sein?

Wäre es so abwägig, dass ein selbst ernannter Aufklärer seine eigenen Grenzen nicht kennt? Mal unabhängig von denkbaren Hintergründen, ist es doch möglich, dass so ein verkappter Außenseiter auf dem Weg zur verdienten anerkennung kommen wollte und dann in Verkennung der Tatsachen über das Ziel hinaus geschossen ist.

Es liegt natürlich nahe, dass das Verfahren in Schweden nur initiiert wurde, um einen unliebsamen Störenfried los zu werden.

Ich stimme Britta in soweit zu, dass es Banken gibt, die vorher gerne mit dem Geld der Menschen arbeiten, sie dann aber schnell abschießen, um die eigene Weste weiß zu halten.

Es ist noch fraglich, ob Assange ausgeliefert wird. Ihm wird sexuelle Nötigung und Vergewaltigtung in einem minder schweren Fall vorgeworfen, was nicht klassisch für eine internationale Fahndung ist. Er soll einvernehmlichen Sex mit zwei Mitarbeiterinnen gehabt haben, den er dann allerdings gegen deren Willen ohne Schutz durchgeführt haben soll.
They´ll never get caught. They´re on a mission from God.
Beiträge: 502
Registriert: Mittwoch 7. Juli 2010, 18:07

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon elfenpfad » Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010, 22:13

Ich weiss es auch nicht, ehrlich gesagt juckt es mich auch grad nicht gross - und ich bin richtig froh darüber ^^

"Nur das Denken, das wir leben, hat einen Wert.
Hermann Hesse, Demian, Gesammelte Werke Bd. 5"
Beiträge: 2313
Registriert: Freitag 16. Juli 2010, 15:54
Wohnort: Heidiländli ;)

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Britta » Mittwoch 8. Dezember 2010, 00:02

Elfer hat geschrieben:Es ist noch fraglich, ob Assange ausgeliefert wird. Ihm wird sexuelle Nötigung und Vergewaltigtung in einem minder schweren Fall vorgeworfen, was nicht klassisch für eine internationale Fahndung ist. Er soll einvernehmlichen Sex mit zwei Mitarbeiterinnen gehabt haben, den er dann allerdings gegen deren Willen ohne Schutz durchgeführt haben soll.

Wie ungewöhnlich ist es eigentlich, dass man wegen so einem Verdacht gleich per Interpol gesucht wird?

Könnte ja auch Schutzhaft sein. Sein Leben sehe ich als sehr gefährdet an.

Ich habe auch vor Monaten schon gelesen, dass das Verfahren eingestellt wurde.

People who lie to others have merely hidden away the truth, but people who lie to themselves have forgotten where they put it.
Beiträge: 2452
Registriert: Samstag 3. Juli 2010, 14:09

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Elfer » Mittwoch 8. Dezember 2010, 17:41

Britta hat geschrieben:
Elfer hat geschrieben:Es ist noch fraglich, ob Assange ausgeliefert wird. Ihm wird sexuelle Nötigung und Vergewaltigtung in einem minder schweren Fall vorgeworfen, was nicht klassisch für eine internationale Fahndung ist. Er soll einvernehmlichen Sex mit zwei Mitarbeiterinnen gehabt haben, den er dann allerdings gegen deren Willen ohne Schutz durchgeführt haben soll.

Wie ungewöhnlich ist es eigentlich, dass man wegen so einem Verdacht gleich per Interpol gesucht wird?

Könnte ja auch Schutzhaft sein. Sein Leben sehe ich als sehr gefährdet an.

Ich habe auch vor Monaten schon gelesen, dass das Verfahren eingestellt wurde.


Niemand wird per Interpol gesucht. Interpol ist keine Exekutivbehörde. Jeder, der per internationalem Haftbefehl gesucht wird, wird in der westlichen Welt quasi per Interpol gesucht. Im Radio hatte ich so dummes Zeug gehört wie, "Interpol beantragte einen Haftbefehl" oder ganz schlimm "Interpol erließ einen Haftbefehl"

Dann dürfte ein internationaler Haftbefehl gar nicht bestehen, wenn das Verfahren eingestellt wurde. Es kann natürlich sein, dass das Verfahren "ruhte", was quasi mit einer vorläufigen Eisntellung gleichgesetz werden könnte.

Was die Schutzhaft angeht, so hätte er sich dann besser nicht in England aufgehalten, da die Inselbewohner den Amerikanern bekannterweise gerne bis zum Anschlag in den Allerwertesten kriechen.
They´ll never get caught. They´re on a mission from God.
Beiträge: 502
Registriert: Mittwoch 7. Juli 2010, 18:07

Re: Wikileaks

Beitragvon Britta » Mittwoch 8. Dezember 2010, 22:16

Elfer hat geschrieben:Niemand wird per Interpol gesucht. Interpol ist keine Exekutivbehörde. Jeder, der per internationalem Haftbefehl gesucht wird, wird in der westlichen Welt quasi per Interpol gesucht. Im Radio hatte ich so dummes Zeug gehört wie, "Interpol beantragte einen Haftbefehl" oder ganz schlimm "Interpol erließ einen Haftbefehl"

Die Medien mal wieder, mit ihrer Übertreibungssucht. Dann war das eine Falschinformation.

Elfer hat geschrieben:Dann dürfte ein internationaler Haftbefehl gar nicht bestehen, wenn das Verfahren eingestellt wurde. Es kann natürlich sein, dass das Verfahren "ruhte", was quasi mit einer vorläufigen Eisntellung gleichgesetz werden könnte.

Es ist jedenfalls ungewöhnlich, dass er aus Schweden ausreisen konnte und kaum dass die Dokumente online waren, gibt es einen Haftbefehl.

Elfer hat geschrieben:Was die Schutzhaft angeht, so hätte er sich dann besser nicht in England aufgehalten, da die Inselbewohner den Amerikanern bekannterweise gerne bis zum Anschlag in den Allerwertesten kriechen.

Ist es nicht trotzdem ungewöhnlich, wegen so einem Fall einen internationalen Haftbefehl zu erlassen?

An die USA können die Engländer ihn nicht ausliefern, ohne das es weltweite Proteste gibt. Ausserdem ist er als Australier auch gleichzeitig britischer Staatsbürger. Ist so mit den ehemaligen Kolonien.

Würde ihm im britischen Gewahrsam was passieren, wäre es ein Skandal und da die ganze Welt hinter ihm her ist, ist er da erstmal sicher.
People who lie to others have merely hidden away the truth, but people who lie to themselves have forgotten where they put it.
Beiträge: 2452
Registriert: Samstag 3. Juli 2010, 14:09


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